Budgeting & Forecasting

Top-down vs. bottom-up budgeting: Which should you use? [2025]

Updated: December 23, 2024 |

Jim Bullis

Head of Pre-Sales & Solutions, Cube Software

Jim Bullis
Jim Bullis

Jim Bullis has over 13 years of experience implementing CPM/EPM tools and other finance software, as well as consulting and supporting a wide range of clients from Fortune 500 organizations, to privately held corporations generating over $100M in revenue, to public sector entities.

Head of Pre-Sales & Solutions, Cube Software

Top-down vs. bottom-up budgeting: Which should you use? [2025]

If you work in finance, you're probably familiar with top-down and bottom-up thinking.

Top-down is prescriptive: do this. Bottom-up is data-driven: based on experience, we should do that.

In business, you can apply this to budgeting—top-down budgeting or bottom-up budgeting. 

Top-down budgeting follows a prescriptive model in which financial planning and analysis leaders set the budget. Bottom-up budgeting takes a more collaborative, data-driven approach involving input from various departments. Organizations may combine bottom-up and top-down budgeting in a hybrid approach to get the best of both approaches, align strategic business goals with operational insights, and build more accurate budgets.

In this article, you'll learn about top-down budgeting and bottom-up budgeting approaches and the best budgeting software to optimize your budgeting process.

Top-down vs. bottom-up budgeting: Which should you use? [2025]


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Key takeaways on top-down and bottom-up budgeting

  • Top-down budgeting is quicker, more centralized, and FP&A-driven–but can lack employee buy-in.
  • Bottom-up budgeting leads to more employee buy-in and an accurate budget, but might lead to over-budgeting or lack of a focused directive.
  • Neither approach is strictly better or worse than the other; they both have their own strengths and weaknesses.
  • Most companies use both approaches and iterate until there's a cohesive story.

What is top-down budgeting?

Top-down budgeting is when senior management prescribes a budget for the entire organization. Each department then has to allocate that amount for their own needs. But they're restricted by the number that senior management gives them.

Advantages of top-down budgeting

There are a few big advantages to top-down budgeting:

  • Time savings: With only senior management involved in the budgeting process, lower management can keep the business running without having to allocate time for the (often extensive) budgeting process.
  • Highly strategic: Senior management has access to the entire company's finances. They can use that data to make highly strategic monetary decisions that departments without the big picture might not see.
  • Unified direction: Since the budget comes from a unified source (typically top management), there’s a clear, unified plan across all levels of the organization, ensuring that all departments and teams are working towards the same goal. 
  • Guaranteed executive buy-in: Financial executives are the ones who agree on the budget. There's no need to worry about whether upper management will have issues with the budget. 
  • Easier to manage: Upper management controls the budget, making it easier to adjust without requiring approval from other departments

Disadvantages of top-down budgeting

In general, top-down budgeting is a central, strategic method. That said, there are plenty of disadvantages of top-down budgeting:

  • Lack of on-ground knowledge: The employees doing the business's day-to-day tasks know what will make the biggest impact for them. Senior management might not always know or understand that.
  • Communication mishaps: The above problem results from poor communication, which is sometimes unavoidable (especially during the busy budgeting season). Regardless, communication mistakes can lead to teams not getting the money they need to make strategic changes.
  • Lack of employee and lower/middle-management buy-in: If employees aren't actively involved in the budgeting process, they might feel like their input isn't valuable; this can lead to lower engagement and frustration on the job, neither of which is the intent.

In general, top-down budgeting isn't perfect and has some serious pitfalls to watch out for.

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What is bottom-up budgeting?

If top-down budgeting is prescriptive, bottom-up budgeting is descriptive. With a bottom-up approach, the lower management and employees create a budget and send it up the management chain for approval, where it finally gets to the office of the CFO.

Then, in an iterative process, the CFO suggests changes to the budget and sends it back down, and so on, until everybody reaches an agreement. In other words, the CFO creates a master budget with input from the entire company.

Advantages of bottom-up budgeting

Bottom-up budgeting has a few unique strengths: 

  • Employee enrollment in the budget: Since employees are so involved in the budgeting process, companies that use bottom-up budgeting see more employee buy-in into the end product.
  • Empowers employee ownership and stewardship of the budget: Employees feeling more ownership of the end product means more conversations about how to use the funds in the budget best.
  • More communication: Bottom-up budgeting is an iterative process involving employees and senior management; it requires more conversations between all parties. 
  • Still centralized: At the end of the day, the Office of the CFO still has the power of the purse to allow or deny items in the budget. So bottom-up budgeting allows companies to have a central strategy in mind while including employee knowledge.
  • More accurate budgeting: Employees, being closest to the actual costs, provide more precise estimates, resulting in more accurate budgets.

Generally, bottom-up budgeting companies will be more satisfied with the end product overall. 

Disadvantages of bottom-up budgeting

That said, there are a few things that might make bottom-up budgeting less than ideal for you: 

  • Higher spending, probably: When departments can ask for what they want, the Office of the CFO will likely end up with an asking total higher than what they're willing to give. After various compromises, the spending will probably be more than the Office of the CFO initially set out to spend. 
  • More time intensive: Increased communication and inputs mean employees and senior management will need to spend more time on the budgeting process as a whole.
  • Potential mismatch between departmental vs. organizational objectives: The decentralized nature of bottom-up budgeting can lead to departments focusing on their own needs, potentially losing sight of broader organizational objectives.
  • Can create a "spend it or lose it" mentality: If departments don't use all the budget they asked for, that can signal to upper management that they'll repeat that next year. This means departments might waste any excess funds in their budget just to hit their number. 

How to choose between top-down vs. bottom-up budgeting 

You might be wondering: which approach is the best for me? What will give me the best results?

And the answer is: It depends.

Top-down budgeting is ideal when running a tight ship and using your funds to serve a few strategic goals. Visionary companies with FP&A teams highly attuned to each department will do well with top-down budgeting.

Bottom-up budgeting is ideal for companies who want to give employees ownership of their budget and the department's direction. Companies with a culture of transparency, strong interdepartmental communication, and a finance team that keep track of the larger organizational goals will do well with bottom-up budgeting.

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Top-down vs. bottom-up budgeting: Strategies across industries

These examples showcase the diversity of budgeting approaches across sectors, emphasizing the importance of selecting strategies that align with industry-specific dynamics.

Business budgeting with a top-down approach

Manufacturing, business services, and healthcare businesses lean toward top-down budgeting. Here’s how it works for them:

  • Manufacturing: In the manufacturing sector, a top-down approach enables manufacturing companies to establish company-wide targets for production volumes and cost controls. Senior management can leverage a holistic view of organizational objectives, and direct the budgeting process.
  • Business services: Within the business services sector, a top-down approach allows the organization to define comprehensive targets for service delivery and cost management. This enables management to take the lead in formulating budgetary directives, drawing from an overarching understanding of corporate goals.
  • Healthcare: In the healthcare sector, a top-down strategy shapes overarching goals for patient care, operational efficiency, and cost management. Drawing from a comprehensive understanding of healthcare objectives, top executives in healthcare businesses take the lead in shaping the budget.

Business budgeting with a bottom-up approach

Here’s how businesses that operate in real estate, financial services, and hospitality use bottom-up budgeting:

  • Real estate: In the real estate sector, a bottom-up approach involves collaborative input from property managers, leasing teams, and maintenance staff. For real estate businesses, this ensures detailed consideration of property-specific needs, tailoring budgets to each property's unique characteristics for effective management and development projects.
  • Financial services: Within the financial service industry, adopting a bottom-up approach entails collaboration among diverse teams. This collaborative input ensures detailed consideration of risk mitigation, regulatory compliance, and client service strategies.
  • Hospitality and event management: The hospitality industry often adopts a bottom-up approach for event-specific budgets. Teams collaborate to estimate costs related to venue bookings, catering, and entertainment, ensuring that each event is financially optimized.

The power of a hybrid budgeting approach

Why choose between top-down and bottom-up budgeting when you can harness the strengths of both through a hybrid approach?

Combining elements of both approaches can mitigate concerns. For example, setting top-down targets and allowing bottom-up adjustments within those constraints can strike a balance between efficiency and detailed insights.

  • Mitigating over-budgeting concerns: By integrating a hybrid model, organizations can establish top-down targets and leverage bottom-up adjustments within those constraints, striking a balance that mitigates the risk of over-budgeting.
  • Enhancing employee engagement and ownership: A hybrid approach empowers employees by involving them in the budgeting process, fostering a sense of ownership and accountability. This increased engagement often translates into more informed and committed spending.
  • Achieving adaptability in dynamic environments: The flexibility within a hybrid approach allows organizations to adjust to unforeseen circumstances. Top-down guidance ensures alignment with strategic goals, while the iterative nature of bottom-up adjustments accommodates real-time adaptability.
  • Meeting diverse stakeholder expectations: A hybrid model allows businesses to consider diverse stakeholder expectations. By incorporating input from multiple levels, the budgeting process becomes more inclusive, addressing a broader range of stakeholder needs and priorities.

Top-down vs. bottom-up budgeting: Choose the best strategy for your business

Now that you understand the difference between top-down and bottom-up budgeting, you can make a more informed decision about which approach fits your organization.

Top-down budgeting stands out for its centralized, mission-focused decision-making, which ensures quick and aligned financial actions. Meanwhile, bottom-up budgeting, driven by departmental input, not only enhances accuracy but also fosters a stronger sense of ownership among employees, aligning their efforts with company goals.

Each method has its strengths. The key is selecting the one that fits your company’s unique needs and goals, ensuring your financial strategy is both effective and aligned with your broader objectives.

If you're looking to streamline your budgeting process, Cube offers a comprehensive solution that automates manual tasks, builds rolling forecasts, and integrates seamlessly with tools like Excel and Google Sheets.

Ready to streamline your budgeting process? Cube can help you automate and optimize your strategy—book a personalized demo today

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Top-down vs. bottom-up budgeting FAQs

  • What is a bottom-up approach in budgeting?

    A bottom-up approach in budgeting starts with departments or teams creating their own budgets based on company-wide goals. Once they complete their budgets, they submit them to top-level management for review and approval.

    When the budgets align with the company’s overall objectives, they receive approval.

    This method improves accuracy since the people who understand the day-to-day operations are the ones building the budgets. However, the process can take more time due to the extensive collaboration and communication required between team members.

  • What is top-down vs. bottom-up costing? 

    Top-down costing involves estimating the total project costs at a high level by using data from similar projects. This approach is often used in strategic decision-making or during the early stages of a project when there isn’t enough detailed information to apply bottom-up costing.

    Bottom-up costing estimates costs starting from individual units or components rather than the whole project. 

    It is more granular and accurate, offering higher precision with a lower risk of missing smaller expenses.

  • What is top-down vs. bottom-up forecasting?

    Top-down forecasting starts with the big picture, using historical data, trends, and benchmarks to estimate overall revenue or demand for a business unit, product, or service. 

    This approach is useful when there’s limited data or time for more detailed analysis.

    Bottom-up forecasting takes a more detailed approach by gathering data from smaller segments, like customers, sales reps, and suppliers. These individual forecasts are then compiled to create a total estimate for demand or revenue. 

  • What is bottom-up planning? 

    Bottom-up planning is a participative planning approach that engages all team members in the organization during the planning process. Organizations using this approach welcome suggestions and feedback from people, teams, and departments. 

    Plans are made at lower levels of the organization then, team members and top management come together to build a consolidated plan that has buy-in from everyone. 

    Startups, tech companies, and organizations that generally operate a flexible structure use bottom-up planning. Its benefits include higher employee engagement, higher employee morale, more efficient planning and allocation of funds, and better collaboration.