Accounting & Finance

NetSuite X Cube

Get all your historical data in one place.

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Unlock productivity.


Close the books in record time

Easily analyze your transactions after syncing your chart of accounts.

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Model and budget with ease

Import your historical data to budget and model in your preferred spreadsheet.


Get custom reporting at your fingertips

Create seamless custom reports for any situation with the Saved Search feature.

Welcome to FP&A without the busy work

Get out of the data entry weeds and into the strategy. Sign up for a free demo of Cube today.

Cube gave us great flexibility with how we could manipulate reporting from our ERP, NetSuite. It allowed us to leverage spreadsheets that easily incorporate into our modeling & budgeting, which was an advantage over more rigid solutions.

Tim, Account Manager

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Why integrate NetSuite with Cube

  • Source data stored in the cloud

    Stop running long formulas in Microsoft Excel workbooks. Easily use the Cube API to pull NetSuite data into Microsoft Excel reports and eliminate giant data pulls. 

  • Group and organize data

    Grouping and mapping NetSuite data into Cube in a customized way allows the reporting process to perform much faster.

  • Create new data fields

    The sync from NetSuite to Cube allows you to seamlessly map new accounts, vendor codes, and more into new or existing Cube dimensions.


  • What will a NetSuite and Cube integration allow me to do?
    • Sync your Chart of Accounts via NetSuite’s API to refresh data on an ad-hoc or scheduled basis.
    • Analyze a customized set of NetSuite transactions to fit your planning needs.
    • Work in your reporting currency
  • What data can be transferred as part of a NetSuite and Cube integration?

    Our team will work with you to develop customized NetSuite Saved Searches to bring in the transactions, details, and currency rates you need for planning while ensuring fast import times. The following dimensions can be brought into Cube and structured to fit your specific business needs.


    Standard dimensions:

    • Subsidiary
    • Account
    • Vendor
    • Classification
    • Location
    • Customer
    • Item
    • Employee
    • Partner
    • Project


    Custom dimensions:

    • Custom Records
    • Custom Lists
    • Custom Segments


    Contact our team to understand how this applies to your requirements.

  • Can I load custom fields or records?

    Yes! Custom Records, Custom Lists, and Custom Segments can all be imported to Cube with our NetSuite integration.

  • What are your NetSuite license and authentication requirements?

    The Cube and NetSuite integration requires a role within NetSuite with the proper permissions. This role can be applied to an existing license or a license created specifically for the Cube connection. Our NetSuite integration uses token-based authentication.

  • What's the typical setup time for a NetSuite and Cube integration?

    The setup time will depend on the scope and requirements you need.  Contact us to understand how this applies to your specific model. 

See Cube in action