How strategic is your finance team?

Take Cube's Strategic Finance Assessment and gain valuable insights into the alignment of your finance team with your overarching business goals—enabling you to optimize operations, drive innovation, and maximize profitability.


What is strategic finance?

Strategic finance is the art of aligning financial decisions with your company's vision. Beyond balance sheets and profit margins, strategic finance is all about knowing how to create, execute, and refine financial strategies to endure life's uncertainties and identify opportunities.

Strategic finance is often confused with tactical activities. Check out our breakdown of what it means to be a strategic finance leader.

  • Tactical Finance

  • negative-icon

    Operates short-term and is reactive to economic changes, lacking foresight.

  • negative-icon

    Can’t communicate the narrative, hindering stakeholder understanding and support.

  • negative-icon

    Operates in silos, hindering collaboration.

  • negative-icon

    Lacks alignment between financial decisions and broader objectives.

  • negative-icon

    Views finance as a cost center, ignoring value creation.

  • Strategic Finance

  • positive-icon

    Thinks long-term, anticipates economic trends, and adjusts strategies accordingly.

  • positive-icon

    Masterfully crafts compelling narratives, fostering buy-in and engagement.

  • positive-icon

    Collaborates across departments to shape business strategy.

  • positive-icon

    Aligns financial strategies and organizational goals, driving synergy and cohesion.

  • positive-icon

    Drives revenue growth and optimizes resource allocation.

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