Workshop Series

Planning in Cube

From budgeting and forecasting to advanced planning, learn everything you need to start planning with Cube in this three-part series.

Date & Time

Wednesdays | Sep 25, Oct 9, & Oct 23

ET: 1:00 PM | PT: 10:00 AM


45 minutes



New to Cube or looking to brush up on your planning skills? Gear up for your upcoming planning cycle in our exclusive three-part workshop series.

From basic budgeting and forecasting to advanced planning, Cube's Jim Bullis (Head of Solutions Consulting) is here to teach you everything you need to know to start planning with confidence using Cube.

Here's a sneak peek of each session:

Session What you'll learn

    1: Budgeting

     Wed, Sep 25 @ 1pm ET

  • Create & publish effective planning templates
  • Manage scenarios to reflect different budget outcomes
  • Streamline budgeting with Cube’s templates & shortcuts

    2: Forecasting

     Wed, Oct 9 @ 1pm ET

  • Actualize forecasts with precision by merging scenarios
  • Plan at multiple levels of detail with itemized templates
  • Optimize headcount planning processes

    3: Advanced Planning

    Wed, Oct 23 @ 1pm ET

  • Develop detailed revenue plans & assumptions
  • Use AI to create benchmarks for your forecasts
  • Protect your planning data and lock down your scenarios

After Jim’s expert tips and hands-on demos, there will be a live Q&A —so don't forget to come with questions!

Can't attend live? No problem. Register anyway and we'll send you the recording(s) to watch at your convenience.


Jim Bullis

Head of Solutions Consulting,

Cube Software


Strategic Finance Pros by Cube