Professional development

The best strategic finance publications in 2024

Updated: April 1, 2024 | 4 minutes

Jake Ballinger

FP&A Writer, Cube Software

Jake Ballinger
Jake Ballinger

Jake Ballinger is an experienced SEO and content manager with deep expertise in FP&A and finance topics. He speaks 9 languages and lives in NYC.

FP&A Writer, Cube Software

The best strategic finance publications in 2024

Finance publications keep FP&A folks up-to-date on the latest thinking in the field.

And they're good for newcomers or anybody looking for a refresher, too.

That's why we've rounded up some of our favorite finance publications in this blog post.

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What is a finance publication?

A finance publication is a magazine, journal, or encyclopedia-type website that publishes information about finance topics like financial planning, accounting, and investing.

Some companies, like Cube or Masterworks (via their email periodical Masterworks Minute), will write in addition to selling a different product.

Others, like CFO Brew, treat their media as the main product and sell advertisements or subscriptions to stay profitable.

Regardless, finance publications have to meet a certain standard of quality. They must be reputable, well-researched, and accurate.

Finance, after all, is an important topic. Poor financial advice or management can affect people's livelihoods, so finance publications have a moral responsibility to get it right.

The best finance publications for strategic finance professionals

Whether you're looking to brush up on your FP&A knowledge, double-check an Excel formula, or encounter a fresh strategic perspective, finance publications exist to support you.

Here are some of our favorites.

1. CFO Brew by Morning Brew

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CFO Brew is a news publication designed for CFOs. Designed by the same folks by Morning Brew, CFO Brew delivers headlines in high-level morsels for busy CFOs to stay in the know.

What we like:

  • Delivers via email every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 
  • Covers a range of topics like market trends, personal insights from CFOs, and finance thought leadership on subjects like budgeting or banking
  • Articles are snappy and quick enough to read between meetings or during small pauses

2. CFO Dive by Industry Dive (an Informa business)

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CFO Dive is a daily CFO-focused news publication that covers topics like strategy & operations, financial reporting, and risk management. 

What we like

  • Reports on a variety of topics relevant to CFOs, often with insights from research and fresh data sets
  • Offers more in-depth thought leadership like ebooks and webinars with partner organizations
  • Regular newsletters with brief dives into salient and timely topics that CFOs and FP&A teams have top of mind

3. Corporate Finance Institute


Corporate Finance Institute is an education company that offers on-demand courses and certifications to help finance professionals advance their careers.

What we like

  • Extensive collection of definitions and tutorial articles for all kinds of finance topics
  • Regularly updates their older pieces with new, relevant information
  • Writers typically have outstanding credentials like MBAs and C-suite level positions

4. Wall Street Mojo


Wall Street Mojo is an education company that helps budding and established financial professionals break into or advance their careers in finance.  

What we like

  • Huge database of tutorials on all kinds of subjects relevant to strategic finance, like Excel and VBA, financial modeling, and statistics
  • Offers self-study financial modeling courses (for a price) to help career advancement
  • Robust on-site glossary full of need-to-know terms and definitions

5. CFO Magazine by Industry Dive

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CFO Magazine covers industry news and strategy from a CFO's perspective. Founded in 1985, it's a long-running publication and was acquired by Industry Dive in 2020. Currently, Oracle NetSuite sponsors a large part of CFO Magazine.

What we like

  • Comprehensive, meaty email that goes out on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
  • Yearly reports and surveys on how CFOs view the economy and marketplace
  • Treasure trove of accounting resources available on the website

6. Harvard Business Review

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Affectionately known as HBR, Harvard Business Review is a media offshoot of Harvard Business School. HBR has become a gold standard in management and business, but they occasionally write about strategic finance topics like modeling and headcount planning.

What we like

  • High editorial standards
  • Bias toward high-level, strategic thinking
  • Regularly curates the best of their content, so you can quickly glean the most important or relevant insights

7. The Cube Blog for FP&A professionals


Cube was founded by a three-time CFO to solve what she saw as the challenges of legacy FP&A tools. Our decades of strategic finance experience inform everything we write and publish.

Here's what we like about Cube:

  • We cover everything related to FP&A, from the core fundamentals to career development to reporting and forecasting.
  • Our content is grounded in decades of diverse strategic finance experience. 
  • Finance-founded means finance-first. FP&A is always the center of our attention, and everything we write is for strategic finance folks first

Conclusion: the best finance publications

Those are some of our favorite finance publications for FP&A professionals.

And if you want to learn even more about finance, we have a free Slack community of FP&A professionals.

It's called Strategic Finance Pros by Cube.

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